From Paleolithic Age to Socialithic Era: a collection of petroglyphs representing our contemporary age and our future world dominated by social networks. Inspired by Prehistoric Art, Socialithic is a series of artifacts ispired by the earliest human artistic expressions from Prehistoric Age: a sort of sacred and symbolic representations of the impact of social networks on our culture; a mix of logos, icons, symbols, emoticons etc. depicting our faith in the social network religion. But is it real progress? Or is the Socialithic just a representation of a dystopian society, an ongoing process of illiteracy and barbarization?
THU-SUN / 10:00-00:00
THU-SUN / 10:00-00:00
1st Floor

Alessandro Scali (IT)
I am an artist and creative researcher from Turin, Italy, working on atypical and multi-disciplinary projects at the intersection of art, communication, technology and culture. I am one of the pioneers of Nanoart (nanometric artworks invisible to human eyes, created with nanotechnology), and I am also the creator of OKKULT Motion Pictures (Art, Education & Entertainment through Animated GIFs) and The Giphoscope (the world first Analog GIF Player).