THU-SUN / 22:40-23:50
2nd Floor

St. Agatha’s Eve is a deep-rooted Basque tradition in which people walk from house to house, accompanied by improvised verse-makers (bertsolaris), singing verses to the beating of long sticks. Building on this celebration, bertsolari Maialen Lujanbio composes a stark denunciation of gender violence. In verse after verse, she condemns the different manifestations of sexist violence and our inability to combat it. Based on these couplets, twenty young artists direct a collective-created piece, using different animation techniques.

Duration: 5’53”

The short film is a collectively-created work directed by twenty young Basque artists, coordinated by Bego Vicario (ES). The stanzas and the transitions between them were distributed among the different artists, with the result that the film combines works made with a great variety of techniques. Thanks to the music and the rhythm of the songs, however, they create a highly suggestive formal and narrative unity, which brings new force and depth to the verses.