#ADAF kids
#Workshops (Kids)
Sun.21 / 14:00 - 14:30
4th Floor

Constructing a battery solely out of lemons (voltaic elements). The kids will experience the making of a battery with one or two lemons, using this to light up a LED lamp. The circuit presented is one of the classic school experiments, with one twist: in the circuit, an ‘energy thief’ will be added, else known as “joulethief.”


for ages 5-12

Free ticket with queue precedence (maximum number of participants: 20 people)

For reservation, email: kids@adaf.gr


Nikos Athanasopoulos (GR)

Nikos Athanasopoulos lives and works in Piraeus as a product designer. During his free time, he experiments with the fabrication and design of toys that help introduce children to the field of science and technology.