WHAT WEEE ARE | #PostFuture

#Video Art
THU-SUN / 13:50-15:00
2nd Floor

Planting the seeds, Growing the Future. Technology pervades every aspect of our lives: the way we move… the way we work… the way we meet and communicate… how we make love and what we eat… Yet, in pursuing his quest, man also generates huge amounts of increasingly technological waste… The linear system of technological products from mine to dump is one of the main drivers of CO2 emissions and therefore of climate change. Fostering and promoting responsible use of raw materials is a key factor in leading widespread behavioral change, which is fundamental for the development of new business models in the circular economy of the new millennium.

Duration: 4’43”

Alessio de Marchi (IT)

Alessio De Marchi grew up playing with materials. In 1999, he discovered his passion for e-waste and began producing some first experimental works. In 2016, he graduated in International Sciences for Cooperation and Development at Università di Torino. Hands-on experience, creativity and technical expertise make him a 360° artist with a touch of social and political entrepreneurship.

Since 2014, together with the psychologist Alessandra Turcato, they have started up the WHAT WEEE ARE project, which brings together all their different life experiences and studies. The project aims at raising awareness over the broader issues regarding our technological world focusing on resource wise education and responsible use of raw materials. Stop motion animation has therefore become the ideal means to share both the artwork and the core concept of the WHAT WEEE ARE project.

The project also includes the implementation of educational workshops with high school and university students, in which participants learn more about the artificial world they were born into. Through group activities, including the disassembly and artistic re-elaboration of e-waste, students learn how to combine technological and scientific knowledge together with creativity, thus acquiring problem-solving skills by using critical-thinking approaches.